[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″ el_class=”cz_sticky_col”][cz_title text_center=”true” id=”cz_94280″ sk_overall_mobile=”margin-bottom:20px;”]

Medical Services

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Clinic empowers and supports vulnerable youth like GBV Survivors, SRH, Family Planning and STIs prevention by counseling and psychosocial support.
This room supplies adequate and first aid kit to mother and child healthcare, the small injuries and wounds during playground, referral and basic aid materials.

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Confidential free of change counseling

  • Family Planning
  • Breastfeeding
  • GBV
  • Pre-conception
  • Post natal
  • menstrual management counselling
  • Drug abuse counselling
  • Sexual reproductive health counselling
  • Nutrition / diet modification counselling

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Outreach / Inreach Awareness

  • GBV
  • Family Planning
  • SRH
  • Child marriage / harmful practices
  • Nutrition and life style
  • Breastfeeding
